For Die-Hard Fans Only

Side 1.

  1. Modern Man
  2. Simon Says
  3. Military Jerk
  4. I Wanna Die REAL AUDIO file click to hear the song*
  5. Angel Death One
  6. Everytime I Kiss You
  7. You're Just Jealous
  8. Let's Kill Gary Coleman
  9. Big F or G

Side 2.
  1. Debt Collector
  2. Wrong Way Rita
  3. Now Johnny's Dead
  4. Daydream Box
  5. Feeling Like an Evildoer
  6. So Much Pain
  7. Suzi Sin
  8. It Went Fast
  9. Waiting For Tomorrow

*you need the Real Player G2 to hear the Real Audio file. If you don't have it you can get it free from

To Discography Page

This album is actually a collection of songs that were recorded throughout 1980 and which, for some reason or other, did not fit on any of the previous albums. The plan was to kill off the Dead Milkmen after Joe went to college, and this was at the time thought to be the final Dead Milkmen album, tying up the loose ends. In fact the "final issue" of the Jack Talcum Fan Club Newzletter was published to coincide with the "Die Hard Fans" release. We know now that The Dead Milkmen did not "break up" after Joe went to college. As it turned out, Rodney and Joe began collaborating more than ever in the winter of 1980/1981, using the US Postal Service as a means of communication. At any rate, this is a surprisingly entertaining, if somewhat uneven, collection. There are some inventive melodies and harmonies on Jack's songs "Daydream Box" and "Debt Collector". Rodney's penchant for ridiculing Gary Coleman shines through on "Let's Kill Gary Coleman" (a song that would probably never get released in the real world). "Military Jerk" foreshadows Garth's eventual enlistment with the Air Force, but was probably directed, at the time, toward Andrew T. (who can be heard on the "Folk Songs For the Eighties" album) who had enlisted directly after high school graduation. There's even an instrumental ("Big F or G"), a rarity for the Milkmen.